A Dreamer and a Doer

Given that many of you who read this blog may not own an ice cream maker of your own, the time has come to share some helpful information about making ice cream without an ice cream maker. Before I start, let me say that if you are interested in making ice cream on a regular basis, I would still recommend purchasing an ice cream machine. As far as kitchen gadgets go, ice cream makers are relatively cheap these days.

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How to Keep Your Heart Healthy

I make a lot of ice cream, that is obvious, but have you ever wondered what I do with all of the ice cream I make? Eat it, you say? Not all of it, unless I want to gain 50 pounds. An entire quart of ice cream made every week is too much for just my husband and I, so I give it away. And I am lucky enough to receive a lot of great feedback and compliments. Among those accolades, I often here comments such as “I wish I could make ice cream myself, but I don’t have an ice cream maker,” which are followed by my comment, “Yes you can!” as I launch into a discussion of making ice cream.

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Most Common Mistakes New Managers Make

It is important to take time to develop your vision; and your practical thinking should be geared to this vision. You need to work with conviction. Being a dreamer does not mean that you can't also be a doer. In fact, having a dream is the starting point for building your dream business. The problem starts when you stop there instead of setting realizable immediate targets. Success cannot come from one day to the next. So you need to build your dream business bit by bit.

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