How to Keep Your Heart Healthy

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I make a lot of ice cream, that is obvious, but have you ever wondered what I do with all of the ice cream I make? Eat it, you say? Not all of it, unless I want to gain 50 pounds. An entire quart of ice cream made every week is too much for just my husband and I, so I give it away. And I am lucky enough to receive a lot of great feedback and compliments. Among those accolades, I often here comments such as “I wish I could make ice cream myself, but I don’t have an ice cream maker,” which are followed by my comment, “Yes you can!” as I launch into a discussion of making ice cream.

Nope, I would look for the nearest ice cream parlor. I'd Google it on my iphone or ask a local passer-by for a recommendation. This is something I've done a lot over the years. What's more I regularly ask friends to let me know if they discover a great ice cream parlor and send me a photo.

The end result is that not only do I, my family and my friends get to experience great ice cream parlor 'finds' but you also get to share in them - like today!

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